Anyway, here's a fraction of what I've seen. The quality of the pictures isn't great (even when they're not horribly overexposed because I forgot I'd maxed the ISO setting on my camera) but I hope they'll give you an idea.
I guess to be documenting this stuff seriously I should really have the addresses to all these works. But I haven't, so there. Will try to put them in the future.

Well, yes okay, this is graffiti and not particularly great. It sort of looks like a cartoon. Anyhow just put it here for documentary purposes: this guy is having a ball at the moment (beginning 2010). This animal-ting is all over the place.

This I quite liked. The top picture is how the wall looks today. Before it was washed, however, some guy had sprayed four lines which I have attempted to Gimp on the bottom picture. A mix of caveman use of texture and Japanese spareness of lines. I thought it was worth making a digital simulation of this thing! Am feeling like a proper histo-archeo-graffer now!

Hm, poster CCTV now...

Ooh, bigger CCTV there, and some messy shit.

Interesting assortment here: some graffiti, a poster, a little Invader peeking out and also some trompe l'oeil...

A scribble, THTF house and a 2D Rubik's cube.

Detail from the previous picture. Someone added a tasteful slash there.

That's it for this post.